Paradise Beaches, an exceptional flora and fauna, densely vegetated hills and local residents with their partly ancient traditions: it is worth, the island of Bohol completely yourself.
In order to get the best possible insight into the diversity of the fairly large island, we offer you the “Chocolate Hills Tour”: a whole day exploring the jeepney, the most popular means of transport in the Philippines, the fascinating oasis in the Pacific Ocean. These jeepneys – a mixture of jeep and minibus – put through their imaginative visual appearance and the enormous load capacity vacationers always in great astonishment. But do not worry: you do not have to take place in the dense crowd on a hard bed, but tours comfortable in a specially reserved for our purpose vehicle.
One of the first targets are the “Chocolate Hills”, the unique natural beauty of Bohol and one of the biggest attractions of the Philippines. On a wide, the sea towering about 500 meters plateau, more than 1,000 uniform hills rise to the growth of Cogongras and low brush towards the end of the dry season
a chocolate brown color changed. This has probably earned them the name “Chocolate Hills”. According to a legend according to which islanders, the origin of these hills is attributed to the bygone tears a giant who supposedly lived centuries ago.
Further stations and attractions in this excitingly beautiful island round trip: a photo opportunity at the smallest monkey in the world, a butterfly farm, a one-hour raft trip down the Loboc River, a visit to the market in the provincial capital of Jagna and a visit to the beautifully designed house of God and others.